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5 min read
‘Hum Saath Saath Hain’ except at the dining table
In many cultures of the world, food is considered to hold its position on top of the priority chart. Nothing is more important than a...

6 min read
Is it polygamy if you read multiple books at a time?
This article will walk you through important aspects of reading multiple books at a time before guiding you into practising it by yourself.

6 min read
If Your Hobby Is Your Job Then What Do You Do For Fun?
Today, it’s not uncommon to hear occasionally that it's a wise decision to make your hobby your profession. Some find gold in this advice...

3 min read
In Silence, We Believe
This is a brief analogy about Silence, personified — who believed in human beings and learnt the lesson the bitter way. Read away to be...

6 min read
Happy Wants You to Cut the Crap!
Happy is touted to be the ‘Most Googled Star’, its on everybody's social media but you don’t know the real Happy Yet. Read away to find...

4 min read
It’s Time the Butterfly Learned to Walk
Often, due to XYZ reason we tend to give in to the decisions that others force upon us. Either we can accept to crib about it or we can...

4 min read
The Half Yours — Half Theirs Theory
The intention is to touch upon several layers of the analogy and attempt to complete the full circle of the thought by perpetually...

5 min read
The Full Stop Has Something To Add
Feelings can be quite a handful to manage as a human being and this brief analogy is here to touch upon a valuable perspective of when to...

6 min read
The Tale of Wandering #Wanderlust
Many of us desire to taste #Wanderlust and experience the ideal way of living just like we see on social media. While it is fancied, in...

7 min read
Dear Diaries, You’re Just Too Many…
What happened when the one thing human had the most trust on, revolted against him only with an intention of self-protection. Disclaimer:...

6 min read
Hey There Average, You’re Sexy!
Told through an odd analogy, the write-up could either force you to stop reading mid-way in confusion or encourage you to react to a...

5 min read
In Conversation with Secrets
If Secrets was a human, walk next to her for a mile or walk in her shoes, it won’t matter unless you’re able to decipher her twisted...
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